On this Episode Nick Campagna joins us he truly is a man of the Northeast! I don't think that there is a thing that he doesn't do well weather its tracking bucks, moose hunting, shed hunting or even ice fishing. We had nick on the talk about his stories or deer camp and moose shed hunting and he did just that come and take the ride as he lays down loads of knowledge with telling stories!
BowTech archey: https://bowtecharchery.com
Huntworth Gear: https://huntworthgear.com/
Latitude Outdoors: https://www.latitudeoutdoors.com/ Promo Code: Outdoordrive
WCB: https://www.workingclassbowhunter.com Promo Code: Outdoordrive
Fourth Arrow Camera Arms: https://www.fourtharrowcameraarms.com