Steve’s fondest memories growing up came from the outdoors. Following his father around the pheasant fields when he was barely even old enough to walk, camping out the night before trout season, ice fishing with his grandfather or being invited to bear camp long before he was even old enough to hunt and always being allowed to skip school on opening day of deer season.
Steve still enjoys all these outdoor activities as well as turkey hunting in the spring and saltwater fishing in the summer, but all these things are just something to pass the time until the next deer season arrives. In most recent years most of his free time is spent focusing on deer season. Post season scouting, shed hunting, habitat improvement, hanging stands, prepping trees, running cams and glassing fields. It’s a 365 day a year process and he believes that the day deer season ends a new deer season begins.
What drives Steve outdoors is the challenge and facing adversity. Constantly challenging himself to improve his knowledge and skills that he can apply in the field and share with others.